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Pacific Forum Line are kindly providing shipping from Auckland to Tonga to co-incide with our 2019 book drive! We send a huge Malo 'Aupito to the staff at PFL!

The Rotary Club of Nuku'alofa are a very important partner for B4T, assisting us when our shipments of books reach Tonga. We are very grateful for the ongoing support that they provide. Malo 'aupito!

The Matson Foundation provided free shipping of books from Auckland to Tonga in our first year. This shipping assistance gave us the start we needed. Malo! Thank you!

Australian Aid provided support to ship books from Nuku'alofa to Niuatoputapu, Niuafo'ou and Nomuka. They also supported the purchase of books published in Tonga, written in English on Tongan themes. Malo! Thank you!
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